
Discover How Veris Visitor Management System Boosts ROI

The Veris reception management system is installed on nearly 200 terminals across India and has served more than 2.1 million visitors so far. The virtual lobby receptionist software offered by Veris is being used by leading names like Bharti Realty, EY, DLF, British Council, Schneider Electric, The Royal Bank of Scotland.

Any company that hopes to grow, or even survive, amidst intensifying competition needs to adopt new tools and processes. Technological advancements and digital transformation have been at the heart of innovation in the recent past and the payback has been noteworthy. Same is the case with the Veris cloud-based reception management system. It has resulted in significant efficiencies and savings, boosting the return on investment.

Admin Costs Can Be Massive
For most large companies, administrative costs are substantial and often hidden. Minimizing such costs has a meaningful impact on cash flow and profitability, and can determine the long-term success of your company.

Among these expenses is the cost of visitor management, a task that is cumbersome and consumes several man-hours every day. Here are a few ways in which the Veris reception management system can reduce admin costs, thereby boosting ROI.

At the Reception

With the Veris virtual lobby receptionist, your visitors are greeted by a self-serving kiosk (iPad/ tablet), where they can enter their details. This not only helps create an amazing brand image for your company but also saves the receptionist’s time, who can then focus on getting other important tasks completed.

The system sends a message to the relevant employee/ host, who can approve the entry of the visitor right from his/her smartphone. The receptionist is not required for any coordination.

With features like pre-invite and web check-in, visitor management becomes even more efficient, as details are already filled in. Visitors simply need to authenticate themselves and they are good to go.
Reducing human dependency has made the whole process much more efficient for all stakeholders.

Data Management

Since all data is entered on the Veris cloud-based reception management system, everything finds its place on a central server. The collation of such data takes several man hours and is highly error-prone when visitor details are entered into a logbook or by a receptionist. A virtual reception management system provides your company with useful information, which was earlier almost impossible to systematically gather and analyze.

Organizing Big Events

Organizing a hiring event or a large meeting can be highly time-consuming. One needs an efficient way to manage the invitees and have a record of those who attended the event. The Veris reception management system has a bulk invite feature, which lets you invite a specified guestlist in just a few clicks. The guests receive a unique QR code, along with other details like GPS location. The system makes the process more streamlined and tracking even smoother.


Since every visitor’s entry is authenticated by an employee in just a few seconds, it prevents any unauthorized personnel from entering the premises. The Veris reception management services also allow the security personnel to know how long each visitor spent inside the office. This helps to easily identify those who are loitering or could be potential threats.


Employees in a company can send invites and receive requests for the meeting. They can get to know which meeting rooms are available and can book them right from their smartphones. Even details such the beverages to be served at a meeting can be pre-filled, streamlining the process completely.

The best news is that the Veris visitor management system can be easily and seamlessly incorporated into your pre-existing processes. Now that is one investment every corporate should make!

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