Future of work

Redefining the Future of Work in a Hybrid Model

Why is the hybrid work mode so appealing? Why is it now being understood that place does not define the potential? Mindsets, traditional workspaces, and policies, everything has seemed to be challenged in the new work era. Organizations were not just made to rethink their business models, strategies, and culture initiatives but also work out the most optimized solution for all the stakeholders involved. On one hand, they were required to consider the needs, and values of the employees, while on the other hand, they had to find ways of sustaining their business operations as well.

New terms. Evolved meanings

Stirring the world are new phrases that are defining elements of the post covid era differently. Just as the term ‘Great Reshuffle’ coined by the LinkedIn community that truly resonates with the present state of offices and also indicates the challenges surrounding them. With hybrid work mode becoming a permanent solution in the post-pandemic times, this term represents the emotions of many around.

Though striking a balance had been difficult initially, but with almost 18 months of remote working behind, employees, as well as organizations, are ready to take the hybrid route head-on. If statistics were to be believed, a Zenefits (Workest) survey and an Inc. article recorded responses of employees and got a staggering 78% agreeing to hybrid working making them more productive. A high percentage of 73% and 77% also believed that hybrid working increased their satisfaction at work and made them evaluate job opportunities basis this model, respectively. With the Great Reshuffle approaching, ensuring that the employees’ sense of support and engagement is a top priority that would be vital in retaining them. The increased emphasis on the employees more than employers has led to the birth of a new, more dynamic interaction between the two at the heart of it all.

Hybrid Workspace: There to stay

The big question here is: Why is the hybrid work model being considered a worthwhile goal for businesses to pursue? The answer to this is simple. The thought of unending uncertainty that the Covid outbreak instilled in the minds of business owners has made them evaluate the bottom-line benefits more than anything else. This has also empowered the employees to fulfill their desires of gaining the best of both worlds: over 70% want flexible remote work alternatives to remain, while over 65% want more face-to-face interaction with their coworkers. 66 percent of business decision-makers are contemplating revamping physical spaces to better allow hybrid work settings as a way to prepare. The evidence is clear: the post-pandemic workplace will be defined by extreme flexibility and hybrid work.

Different organizations might have a different pace of migrating to more flexible workspace models but they all have embarked on the journey of doing so. Technologies like desk reservation software or workspace booking system that have enabled companies to make this transition smoothly. With world leaders coming forth and voicing their opinion on the need for change, Satya Nadella, CEO at Microsoft shares “Over the past year, no area has undergone more rapid transformation than the way we work. Employee expectations are changing, and we will need to define productivity much more broadly — inclusive of collaboration, learning, and wellbeing to drive career advancement for every worker, including frontline and knowledge workers, as well as for new graduates and those who are in the workforce today. All this needs to be done with flexibility in when, where, and how people work.” Calling it the ‘Hybrid work paradox’, the visionary emphasizes the need to incorporate flexibility across the operating business model, including the way individuals work, the places they work at, and how they work around the business processes.

Framework Adoption

The new hybrid workspace is now in full force emerging and coming to the forefront with a mixed bag of cultures, practices, behaviors, and environments. To ensure a successful transition in this new paradigm, it would be imperative for organizations to adopt a structured approach to reach the end result.

  • Create a futuristic vision with a practical as well strategic angle to it.
  • Adhere to substantial means of effective communication and work style.
  • Gain adequate guidance and support to deal with the multiple challenges.
  • Proper training and handholding to enhance the digital literacy of employees.

Immense opportunities amidst complexities

No one knows what the future holds, but we do know what employees will require to flourish in any environment. Redefining work policies and enhancing worker-employer connections are good places to start. No one can anticipate how things would turn out in the end. However, history has taught us that even amid adversity, there is always a hidden opportunity. Just like Covid helped and prepared us to navigate through these tough times. With the new world of work ahead of us, we need to focus on creating a flexible and trustworthy ecosystem – one that is based on common values and objectives — and that would ensure more success for businesses and career fulfillment for individuals. Let’s take advantage of this opportunity and go to work!

What role does technology play?

We, at Veris, see technology as a facilitator, empowering our customers as they transition to hybrid work and rethink everything from managing visitors, meetings to a digital employee experience that anybody can access from anywhere – right in the middle of their work. We offer configurable and adaptable workplace automation tools such as an office space booking solution, also known as space reservation software that helps end-users reach their business goals. The other offerings include Veris Welcome and Veris Meetings that ensure a smooth return to work experience for employees. As your trusted workplace automation partners, we ensure building a seamless and safe ecosystem for organizations to grow unstoppably!

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