Commercially available technologies like SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) are fast becoming the stepping stones to a long-term modernization journey for businesses of varying sizes. This popularity can be attributed to several of its pioneers and platforms like Salesforce, Workday, Shopify etc combined with relative flexibility in pricing schemes and faster deployment times. It is a low-risk, higher ROI route to digital transformation. IDC Research expects the SaaS market to surpass $112.8 billion by 2019, according to stats provided by IronPaper.
The Dilemma
For organizations that want a smart visitor management system, the tricky aspect is to decide whether to deploy an available SaaS solution from the market or to use their in-house team to develop the product. While the former comes with benefits like cost savings and improved end-user experience, the latter provides high customizability, security and enhanced data ownership.
Veris provides the best of both worlds with a highly customizable visitor management software suite, crafted for varied workflows and enterprise needs.
So what’s the verdict?
Cost Savings
Compared to investing in an built-from-scratch solution, which includes extensive upfront costs of installation, maintenance, integration, patching and upgrades, a SaaS package will help you save considerable amount of time, efforts and money. Every latest update from a product like Veris will be directly pushed over to the cloud then automatically integrated with system in the enterprise, so the in-house IT team doesn’t need to spend time on manually updating the system. There are no additional hardware costs, software licensing costs or even infrastructure expenses, like air-conditioning, that could lead to exorbitant electricity bills.
Many enterprises think that cloud solutions are only for large organizations, which is not true. These packages are affordable and flexible, making them suitable for small and medium-sized companies too. Fee structures vary for different applications. So, why pay for bulky servers when you can get enhanced performance, specific to your needs, at a lower cost?
Ease of Implementation and Accessibility
All you need is a working internet connection and your login credentials; and the Veris cloud will enable you to access your data from anywhere. Such easy & convenient processes enable your organization to focus on the core functionalities of the application, which are frictionless & hassle-free visitor check-ins, enhanced on-premise security, real-time reports and more.
Security and Data Privacy
This is a key reason why companies choose in-house solutions. Many organizations do not want to share customer and employee data with third parties. Given this scenario, new age cloud based applications now pay enhanced attention on data security provisions today.
With Veris, all visitor data is securely encrypted in the Veris cloud. In case of an unfortunate incident of hardware failure, cyber-theft or natural disaster, the information is securely stored in the cloud with real time back-ups.
Greater Credibility
Given SaaS businesses cater to big and small organisations alike, they are well versed with the needs of all kinds of businesses. For instance, Veris has multi-tenant clients like DLF, Bharti Worldmark, Hines; enterprise clients like RBS, EY; Research & Development centers like Mercedes Benz and many small clients with single kiosk needs. Given this variety, the product functionality has been built over time to cater to diverse workflows and many specific client requirements. Such a feature rich suite is only available with SaaS providers and can never be built in-house.
In case you build front-desk or guest management software using in-house tools, you might have to pay extra for additional server capacity & peripheral costs in the future. SaaS software can be easily scaled to meet the rising requirements of a growing business.
The entire responsibility in the SaaS application development model rests on the vendor. Organizations need not to worry about maintenance, but rather gain a competitive edge with a high-functioning visitor management system that creates a favorable impression on everyone, be it employees, prospective clients, customers, foreign delegates and others.